In Japan, Sushi is very popular food.
In particular, Kaiten Sushi(Belt-conveyor sushi)is
most popular.
At Kaiten Sushi restaurant,
Many sushi dishes are moving very slowly on the belt conveyor.
we select the dish we want to eat,
and pick up the dish and eat.
Please check the pictures!
I want to explain the reason Kaiten Sushi is popular in Japan.
1.Lower price
Sushi is expensive food.
But we can eat Kaiten Sushi at lower price.
Now , kaiten sushi is very delicious!
3.Many kinds of dishes
We can eat many kinds of dishes.
Not only fish sushi but also, cake, ice cream,
sweets, noodle etc.
Many dishes is moving all time.
So,we can eat very quickly!
Of course, I like Kaiten Sushi!
If you come to Japan, I will take you there!
By the way,
this is Christmas season,
many customers buy our items!
Thank you very much!
We appreciate you very much!