Brand new electric reel released from Daiwa seaborg seriese.
Remarkable change
You may rearise the remarkable change of Daiwa seaborg 300MJ-L.
The power handle is settled on left hand side of the body!
Over the past 20years when small electric reel sold, the handle is settled on right hand side and it has not been changed.
Then, where is the Power Lever?
Conventionalpower leverfromitsposition and shape, because itisdesigned towork withright thumband index fingerpinching, whoholds afishingrodthat willinevitablyleft hand. Of course,itcanalso be operatedwith the left handsiderightacrossthe rod, and becomequiteunnaturalpostureis undeniable. New Trend inoffshore fishinghas beenproposed byDAIWA, "hand-held concept" results in pursuitof the powerleverwas bornthe next generation"power joglever". Thepower leveron the centerto the right ofthe body. Bydialingthe levershapewas changedyet, itbecame possibleto manipulatewith the thumbof the handholding arod. Its style, email andinternet, itshould beappreciatedthatthe image of auser-friendlymobile phonegamesto work withonethumbup.
Left side handle for right-handed people
Mostfishingisbasiccommon senserather thanin thedominant armto manipulatetherod. However, inthatdeep-sea fishingispartlydue tohandednessin favor oftreerings, andothergeneralfishingopposite pattern. Greatplacefor fishingrodissueis certainlynotcomplete, take afinetechnique, especiallyin the genreof theconcepthand, rodscanhavemoreaccurate andsmooth operationin thedominant hand. In fact, If you lookaroundin theboat, do the rodwith your right hand, there are many anglerswind uphavingtochangelefthanging. LHDwasfirst introduced inthe electricreel, not onlyofSouth, saidthe new systemwas designedwithoutchanging handfishingascanmost efficientlytothe right-handed people.
If you are interested in Daiwa seaborg 300MJ-L, please contact us any time